Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Putting the fun in movies again

WAAAY back in 2007, a little film called Transformers hit, with a pretty creepy, super top secret trailer before it, this was, of course, the beginning of JJ Abrams' viral campaign for Cloverfield, a film I personally adore. Now, before IRONMAN II on Thursday, theaters are getting an email, like always, detailing the film reel can arrivals, same old same old, except that there is a locked can, containing the trailers. HitFlix is claiming it to be a trailer for Super 8, by none other than Abrams, and claim its a quasi-prequel to Cloverfield. This is backed up by circumstantial evidence, a super 8 is a type of handheld old camera, Cloverfield was handheld camera driven. There's more at the site, including a supposed synopsis and what not. Can't wait to see what's actually in that canister come friday.

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